Sunday, August 18, 2013

Flying back

We spent the day at the Rabbit Lake uranium mine and it was quite the experience. The long flight was made much shorter by the view. There is amazing terrain as you get north of LaRonge. Everywhere you look there are hundreds of lakes, and I learned that they all point north east. The glacier came from the Bay and scraped the softer rock which left the lakes and they all radiate from there.

The safety and environmental measures are crazy up there. They are very concerned with cleaning up the area and making sure there is no downtime due to accidents. It would have been uneventful except that the last group that went into the mine had their engine blow in the truck they were driving. It caused quite a stir when the diesel exhaust overcame them. They sent another vehicle to get them.
We should be landing in half an hour or so.

I look pretty good eh? The fact it was about 30 degrees outside made it very uncomfortable.
This is the old truck that blew an engine. This was taken half an hour earlier.

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